Tutorial: add docToolchain as submodule
Unresolved directive in tutorial2.adoc - include::feedback.adoc[]
This short tutorial will show you how to add docToolchain as git submodule.
1. Motivation
Git submodules are references to a certain commit of another git repository. This makes submodules perfect to include repositories — on which your own project depends — into your project without copying them. Since a submodule is a pointer to a certain commit, it is also easy to update this pointer when a newer version is available.
2. What you’ll build
In this tutorial, you will create a simple gradle project with a single .adoc
To this project, you’ll add docToolchain to generate an HTML file and a PDF.
3. What you’ll need
20(?) minutes
a windows or *nix based machine
a text editor or IDE
jdk 1.8 installed
git installed
gradle installed
the commands needed to go through this tutorial will be bash based. So if you are on a windows environment, please make sure that you start a bash or translate the commands for yourself - I am sure this will be a no-brainer.
4. Create a simple project to start with
create a new folder and switch to it
mkdir tutorial1 cd tutorial1
init git (it’s a new project!) and create a simple folder structure for your documents
git init mkdir src mkdir src/docs
create a simple .adoc
To make it simple, just fetch one from the net via curl
curl -o src/docs/test.adoc https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mojavelinux/4402636/raw/b8b02adc3c0ddb92df505ba3eb8e625952615b7a/test.asciidoc.txt
and since this great test document includes another document, let’s fetch this also
curl -o src/docs/include.asciidoc.txt https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mojavelinux/4402636/raw/b8b02adc3c0ddb92df505ba3eb8e625952615b7a/include.asciidoc.txt
The main file ./src/docs/test.adoc
contains a reference to a stylesheet which is not available, so please open it in your favourite editor (vi?) and remove the reference (:stylesheet: asciidoc.css
in line 17)
vi src/docs/test.adoc
Since we like Gradle projects, let’s initialize the toplevel project (tutorial1
) as gradle project.
This will make docToolchain a subproject.
gradle init
gradle wrapper
for convenience. That’s it!
INFO: if you need to configure proxies and repository caches (artifactory) for Gradle to fetch external dependencies, please take a look at this blog post: Behind the great Firewall
For a real project, you now would add some source code and more build instructions. To render the document with docToolchain, we only need the document itself.
5. add docToolchain as submodule
In order to add docToolchain as submodule, you just have to execute the following command
git submodule add https://github.com/docToolchain/docToolchain.git
use https and not the ssh to clone the submodule. This enables anonymous clones. |
Add docToolchain as sub-project to your main project by adding an include to the settings.gradle
echo "include 'docToolchain'" >> settings.gradle
If you now list all tasks of your project, gradle will pick up the docToolchain build file from the subproject, download all dependencies and output the list of available tasks and fail with an exception:
./gradlew tasks
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * Where: Script '/home/docToolchain/tutorial1/docToolchain/scripts/AsciiDocBasics.gradle' line: 25 * What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating script. > ./Config.groovy (No such file or directory)
That’s correct — docToolchain needs a configuration file!
Let’s create an empty one and see how this works:
touch Config.groovy
./gradlew tasks
et voilá, you get a list of all available tasks:
> Task :tasks
All tasks runnable from root project
Build tasks
DocToolchain tasks
convertToDocx - converts file to .docx via pandoc. Needs pandoc installed.
convertToEpub - converts file to .epub via pandoc. Needs pandoc installed.
exportChangeLog - exports the change log from a git subpath
exportContributors - exports all contributors for all asciidoc files
exportEA - exports all diagrams and some texts from EA files
exportExcel - exports all excelsheets to csv and AsciiDoc
exportJiraIssues - exports all jira issues from a given search
exportMarkdown - exports all markdown files to AsciiDoc
exportPPT - exports all slides and some texts from PPT files
exportVisio - exports all diagrams and notes from visio files
generateDeck - use revealJs as asciidoc backend to create a presentation
generateDocbook - use docbook as asciidoc backend
generateHTML - use html5 as asciidoc backend
generatePDF - use pdf as asciidoc backend
publishToConfluence - publishes the HTML rendered output to confluence
Documentation tasks
asciidoctor - Converts AsciiDoc files and copies the output files and related resources to the build directory.
groovydoc - Generates Groovydoc API documentation for the main source code.
javadoc - Generates Javadoc API documentation for the main source code.
To see all tasks and more detail, run gradle tasks --all
To see more detail about a task, run gradle help --task <task>
1 actionable task: 1 executed
As you can see, you now have already a lot of documentation tasks at hand.
6. setting up the configuration
create a simple Config.groovy
file to start with:
outputPath = 'build/docs'
// Path where the docToolchain will search for the input files.
// This path is appended to the docDir property specified in gradle.properties
// or in the command line, and therefore must be relative to it.
inputPath = 'src/docs'
inputFiles = [
[file: 'test.adoc', formats: ['html','pdf']],
taskInputsDirs = ["${inputPath}/images"]
taskInputsFiles = []
And since we want to use our main project to be the source of the documentation, we have to tell docToolchain where it can find it. Since we don’t want to touch the original docToolchain sources, we override the config via the build.gradle
Just add the following lines to your build.gradle
Since we have an empty main project in this tutorial, you can even overwrite the whole build.gradle
with the following lines:
(it instructs docToolchain to use the main project as starting point for all other configurations (like the one we just defined in Config.groovy
//configure docToolchain to use the main project's config
project('docToolchain') { (1)
if (project.hasProperty('docDir')) { (2)
docDir = '../.' (4)
mainConfigFile = 'Config.groovy' (5)
} else {
println "="*80 (3)
println " please initialize the docToolchain submodule"
println " by executing git submodule update -i"
println "="*80
1 | changes the scope to docToolchain as subproject |
2 | checks if the subproject has been initialized |
3 | outputs a hint if subproject has not been initialized |
4 | moves the base folder for docToolchain to the main project folder |
5 | this enables you to point docToolchain to your own config file |
7. all steps within Docker
get / clone https://github.com/docToolchain/docs-as-co.de , then
cd into appropriate directory
cd docs/_pages/getstarted/tutorial2
create docker image: run
docker build --force-rm -t stephan.praetsch:doctoolchain-tutorial1 .
determine docker image id
docker images | grep doctoolchain-tutorial1 | cut -d " " -f 8
run this docker image: Which environment?
> docker run $(docker images | grep doctoolchain-tutorial1 | cut -d " " -f 8) gradle --version ------------------------------------------------------------ Gradle 3.2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------ Build time: 2012-12-21 00:00:00 UTC Revision: none Groovy: 2.4.8 Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.9 compiled on July 22 2018 JVM: 1.8.0_222 (Oracle Corporation 25.222-b10) OS: Linux 4.15.0-64-generic amd64
Execute doctoolchain
> docker run $(docker images | grep doctoolchain-tutorial1 | cut -d " " -f 8) gradle publishToConfluence ... Converting /tmp/tutorial1/src/docs/test.adoc :docToolchain:publishToConfluence BUILD SUCCESSFUL
extract created test.html
doc to local directory
docker run $(docker images | grep doctoolchain-tutorial1 | cut -d " " -f 8) cat build/docs/html5/test.html > test.html
now you can view test.html